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Events, Immersions, & Retreats

Through different types of events and immersions - like experiential group learning, sacred transmissions, or collective group healing - a different kind of magic transpires.

These are intimate events (both live in-person and virtual) with a limited number of participants so that you are able to maintain an individual experience while engaging in a shared collective.

Here you will get to experience sacred spaces of healing group transmissions in conjunction with a shared collective or coaching or spiritual modalities through learning and open communication with others.

In the healing transmission events, you will be able to experience the power of group healing energy while solely focusing on your individual healing needs.

Through the learning modalities, you will have the opportunity to share parts of yourself generously while developing and mastering new skills through diverse perspectives.

Retreats provide the ultimate magical experience for your soul and your spirit. They will leave you re-awakened, refreshed, revitalized, re-energized, and ready for all that meets you upon your return (to Self & Home).


Leilani’s Upcoming Events


Monthly Series - Sacred Spaces


These Sacred Spaces provide an opportunity for you to receive divine wisdom and guidance, clear and ground, build community with like-minded humans, and grow your relationship with Spirit and your Highest Self. All within a safe container.

Sacred Spaces are a beautiful way to strengthen, solidify, and deepen what you are already shifting and transforming within yourself, while simultaneously addressing what’s in the collective energetic space, and how it affects you.

The Details:

Virtual once-a-month Zoom session

90 minutes

New theme each month based on what is most needed in the collective energy

Each monthly sacred space has an energetic exchange of $44

Upcoming DATES:

Thursday, May 2nd, at 12 PM PST

Tuesday, June 4th, at 10 AM PST

You will experience:

  • First-hand insight, wisdom, and guidance from channeled messages and sacred transmissions

  • A clearing practice that will cleanse and transmute anything low vibrational that you are undergoing

  • A grounding practice that will help you drop into and align all parts of your being while feeling rooted and strong

  • A deeper understanding of where your being is energetically

  • Helpful ways to move through the collective energy while understanding your own

  • Deeper overall healing perfectly aligned with your journey

  • A like-minded range of diverse people who come with their own life stories, anecdotes, and relatable insights

Being an energetic and active participant in these sacred spaces creates an imprint of honoring yourself in your own healing journey in co-creation with Spirit. In joining Sacred Spaces, you will gain new perspectives, be witnessed in your own individual journey, organically create an opening for soul family and more abundance to find you, deepen your awareness of Self, recognize how Spirit is assisting you, deepen that relationship with Spirit- all further resulting in opening and expanding your heart to what more is available to you, known and unknown.

Each month serves as individual sessions. Join when you’re able, feel into the collective, and leave cleared, grounded, authentically empowered, witnessed, held, and oh-so divinely loved.


Monthly Series - LIVE with Leilani


In 'LIVE with Leilani' you will get a front-row seat to access her energy for FREE. Bring all your burning questions around the Akashic Records, Mediumship, the mystic, and the supernatural. 

Bring all those questions and bring a few more - bring questions you'd also like clarity on for your own personal healing/growth journey. There will be spirited lively discussions with free mini readings!

This is a great opportunity to feel into her energy to see how she can help best serve you.

Let's connect and play in the energy of all that is divinely possible.

May we continue to expand our level of consciousness. ✨✨✨

The Details:

FREE Virtual Zoom LIVE for 60-75 minutes

Upcoming Dates:

Tuesday, May 14th at 11AM PT